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Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines..
Jun 14, 2006
okay so i finialy got all my gear sorted for my car, and i must say 609maf, 560's and a Razza chip (cheers bro!) is the best upgrade i have ever done....

but now learning about tuning EFI, is there any pro's and cons to tuning without my standard narrow band/o2 sensor connected? i seem to be getting better response to my AFR's
on the wide band, with the stock O2 disconnected. i also seem to be saving fuel (i guess it must be dead)

also what was the ideal AFR reading for WOT and just cruising?

cheers for any help..

jay, dsmlink forums will have all the answers to your questions,

i peronsally dont run a stock o2 sensor, i am running on the AEM WB, i have my closed loop cruise set at 14.7, I have read that you can go leaner, but in the interest of saving petrol, i'll be surprised if you save much in closed loop cruise.

once you get into open loop, where the ecu isn't using the o2 sensor for fuel trims, then it's running of the Map, or (Tables) and the wbo2 is only really a gauge at that point not a ecu input.

i dont think the answers to your post can be answered in a single post
jay, dsmlink forums will have all the answers to your questions,

i peronsally dont run a stock o2 sensor, i am running on the AEM WB, i have my closed loop cruise set at 14.7, I have read that you can go leaner, but in the interest of saving petrol, i'll be surprised if you save much in closed loop cruise.

once you get into open loop, where the ecu isn't using the o2 sensor for fuel trims, then it's running of the Map, or (Tables) and the wbo2 is only really a gauge at that point not a ecu input.

i dont think the answers to your post can be answered in a single post

i would love to go on the DSMlink forums but i dont have DSMlink.....

ahh all good you have just answered some of it.... i to, am running the AEM WB and tuning SAFC seems to be doing fine atm..

Jay, can you log with the aem? Or can you log with the stock ecu and wide band input?

its got the out put for logging but cause its 2nd hand and really cheap, it never came with the logging stuff.. I'm just tuning on the fly atm while driving...

i may just get some dyno time and tune it...