Updating Spotlights


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E III Recaro Pilot
Oct 9, 2005
Gold Coast
Question...What do i need to do to fit facelift spotlights to my prefacelift bar?

There seems to be a brace in the way...in the bar
You need to cut the brace and fabricate brackets to mount the lights.

You'll need to run custom wiring looms as the facelift bars are lowbeam/highbeam and pre are indicator/lowbeam

You'll need to modify the opening as the facelift light is a slightly different shape.

Good luck!
Ah ****,and i thought this was gonna be easy...

So U've done it obviously?
Worth it?

I plugged the light into the existing loom and it worked,the outer round light came on and the inner square light worked,it flashed when i put the indicator on,a clear indicator..lol.

Anyone know how to wire it,or where to start with the wiring?
JAP63 said:
Ah ****,and i thought this was gonna be easy...

So U've done it obviously?
Worth it?

I plugged the light into the existing loom and it worked,the outer round light came on and the inner square light worked,it flashed when i put the indicator on,a clear indicator..lol.

Anyone know how to wire it,or where to start with the wiring?
leave it like that and chuck in an orange bulb so you get indicators
To do it properly, you also need to swap the headlights and the indicators over as well, and then fix up all the wiring to make it all work. When I did it, I relayed in the fog lights as well just to take some load off the wiring inside the car.
rob323 said:
To do it properly, you also need to swap the headlights and the indicators over as well, and then fix up all the wiring to make it all work. When I did it, I relayed in the fog lights as well just to take some load off the wiring inside the car.

Yeah i noticed the headlight has the parkr inside it on the later model and the side is purely an indicator.
Can u run the new headlight with the old indicator and have two parkers?
You can, but the std early J spec indicator (the one beside the headlight) is not easily visible from front on, hence why they had indicators beside the fog lights. The later model indicators are much more noticable from front on so as its a safety issue, its up to you.
So u seem to think the face lift headlight plugs in to the prefacelift connection and the parker inside the headamp will work?