What's a worthy electronic gauge cluster thats not too deer


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Nov 20, 2010
Gold Coast
Hey crew... Just after some recommendations on what's a decent electronic cluster (all guages) system worth buying??

Id love to spend $900 on a DEFI Advance ZD unit, but i cant justify it at this stage....

Im considering one of the copies if anyone has tried them?


Otherwise what else is out there? If you have anything like this you want to sell then hit me up!

Cheers, Lars
2 deer.jpg
I'm not sure there will be a cheap way out Lars, even my F$%Ked up crapometer gauges almost cost as much that unit............and I don't trust them, let alone an all in one unit.
I'd be very wary given you have put some $$$ into your ride, I have mine because my engine is 120k old and I was fabricating stuff and wanted to fill the holes with something, but I would definitely spend a few more $$ and get something that's reliable for my forged engine when it eventuates.....................
I saw an hks camp 2 on ebay but I think its gone now, displays ya readings on a tv screen, I didnt have $250 spare at the time or I would of jumped on it,
I have a defi zd knock off in my rvr too, but mine is a cheapish build, I wouldnt dare put one in my 5 even though its been fairly consistant in readings
Yeah im still considering one to be honest, ive only heard positive things about them at this stage... However i know i should be getting the genuine ones
I asked the bro if he's heard any horror stories on SOG, an nuthin,
But overall I'm happy with it as there's heaps of options with hooking it up and ya can monitor ya gearbox too which I like,
Plus not so painful if rvr did get broken into an it did get stolen