Who wants to Help me pull gearbox out this weekend


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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
Melbourne VIC
Hey guys well after getting car back now seems the thrust bearing is shot, and and the gearbox syncros are knackered bad. also the passenger side driveshaft is stuffed.

This weekend i will be pulling it appart. starting friday night and hopefully finishing sat during the day.

If any1 is keen to help me im offereing free beer and BBQ on sat.

As most know the old vr4 gearbox job is a bit annoying so if your gonna come beer only supplied to those who are helping out haha. (JK)

all welcome PM if u wanna come along to a great event..... lol

SE Carrum downs look like ill have to post pone this thing till next weekend as have to wait for some parts! =S

Cheers tho to those who offered. ill let u guys know if its happening next weekend have bbq etc

lol well this is back on for tommorow, Ill be doing as much as i can, the car has stopped as of last night. So any1 interested in coming for some beers and some car work let me know via PM ill give u my address. Saturday i mean

for any1 who was interested in coming over

address is 12 bowerbird place Carrum Downs, any time after 1pm as i gotta go to bank zzzzzz....

Cheers mobile number is 0421337713


just noticed how far you live, or else i'd be over already.... if were cruising down near your area later, i'll ring you and see if your still in need of some assistance...