Alright so I've been pondering the best place to put the sensor.
so far I've come up with right behind the flex section for the dp and have it routed up through the engine bay into the cabin OR right at the end of the dp before the flange and have it strung along side the exhaust into where the rear cat temp sensor comes up into the cabin under the passenger side seat.
What would be best?
Also I'm interested in where other evo owners have mounted their widebands. :thumbsup: So post up where you've mounted your wideband bungs and include pics if you can
so far I've come up with right behind the flex section for the dp and have it routed up through the engine bay into the cabin OR right at the end of the dp before the flange and have it strung along side the exhaust into where the rear cat temp sensor comes up into the cabin under the passenger side seat.
What would be best?
Also I'm interested in where other evo owners have mounted their widebands. :thumbsup: So post up where you've mounted your wideband bungs and include pics if you can