Will a EVO4 or EVO5's TD05 turbo fits on RVR?


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Then no an EVO4/5 turbo will not fit

You can use an EVO1/2/3 turbo and exhaust manifold

You say you want to convert to manual? i dont know of any other car except a manual RVR to get all the parts for the conversion (gearbox + sandwich plate +pedal assembly + clutch assembly + engine loom +ECU) may even need the dash loom and cluster.

You can use you can use the flywheel + clutch off an EVO1/2/3 as long as the RVR/Chariot has a 7bolt flywheel
when i replaced my flywheel/clutch one of those two was different and wouldnt fit, but being that the workshop did it i dont know which one.
My Mechanic said the gearbox in my hypergear rvr is virtually identical to an evo 3 box if it that helps? (most likely not dud you owning a chariot which i think runs the 6 bolt motor)

I was wondering if I change to a newer td05 will help faster spooling than the older Evo 3 td05h

So now I will look for a evo3 exhaust manifold First