WTB: 16G or 20G and other bits


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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
Wanted: TD05 20g (or possibly a 16G). Leaning towards the 20G.

Also, evo or after market dump pipe to suite vr4 .
Possibly an evo exhaust manifold.
Fuel pressure regulator.

pm me with condition and price.
Do your self a favour and grab a new 20g from gtpumps.com.au rather than a second hand one as they have coime down in price lately.

I have a EvoII RS front pipe which will bolt up to the TD05 Series Mitsu Heavy Industries Turbo dump pipes
PM me for more info and pics
Like John said - in all seriousness you're probably better off getting a 20G from GT Pumps. They are good turbos and they're brand new and they perform well and they are cheaper and less mucking around than buying a dead 16G and getting it rebuilt and they are covered by a guarantee. You get the larger waste-gate flap, wider exhaust port and the comp housing is machined out to suit the 20G wheel.

Bite the bullet and spend the 'coin', you won't find many people will sell you a 16G cheap enough to make a rebuild to a 20G worthwhile and below budget.