WTB: Engine/box/diff/shafts etc


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Mar 29, 2013
Hey guys,
Im after the following parts:

Evo 4 or later engine, a box to suit, evo 5 front hubs + brembos, evo 4 rear diff and shafts, and evo 4 rear running gear/prop shaft.

Engine will have a complete rebuild before being used, and prefer the cheapest i can buy because of this (i.e. idc if it has a blown gasket) but spun bearings etc i probably wont bother with as they can sometimes be more trouble than theyre worth - hit us up with what youve got - im neg on prices :)

Ive tried 3 other evo sites including evo-oz and ozevo with no luck. Honestly this is the only forum ive been on that ive actually gotten an answer in - be it introduction, questions or WTB threads (even WTS threads my posts were ignored or the thread was forgotten about in as little as 4 days..)
Im just happy people are replying here! :lol:
If you are still interested I have got;

EVO IV engine in bits
EVO IV gearbox
EVO IV - VI AYC rear diff

PM me if interested.
Looks like cringgle has EVERYTHING i need, at a price thats practically giving them away :thumbsup:

/endthread :)