WTB: EVO indicators (amber)


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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
I'm after a set of EVO/Libero amber indicators, and have $100 waiting!

anyone has some lying around?

Transparent orange model paint does the same job :p $10 from a model shop

evopwr said:
yeh man just spray them yourself, save $90 and use that cash to buy 2 slabs :)

just remember to paint it first before consuming the slabs.... or else you could paint other things lol....
Yeh i used model paint. its actually designed to stick to plastic... and its water proof :)

Done my old corners and few others ;)
all good boys

bought a can today! its only small though- you sure there's enough??

how many coats did you do mik_e?

About 3 or 4 light coats Dre. First coat is to be very fine, doesnt matter if you miss a few spots. Come back afte rit dries and do a second coat, then 3rd... check colour and you might need to do a fourth. Its important to have light even coats with no runs.

Oh and remember, inhaling orange paint causes lung cancer, so stand back and have a cigarette whilst you wait for each coat to dry :thumbsup:
I did about 5 coats straight over the top (until the can was empty). I taped up the rubber seals that are attached and painted away :)

Paid $11.50 from the model shop on Lonsdale St in town- wayyy better than OEM amber corners!! :D