wtb: Roller rockers!


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Aug 8, 2005
Hey guys do you know where the best pace is to get them? or have a set?

uhhhhh :?

you cant get roller rockers for a VR4, the cam actuates the "roller" cam follower which moves the valve. :wink:
how many did you need?
i have some used ones.
about 2 sets.

brand new they are an arm and a leg!!
The joint that is doing the reco on the head said they arnt in great condition and would be worthwhile doing. My dad thought they looked ok when he inspected a few of them.

Cheers guys!

What is the general problem with them if any? the ones we inspected felt fairly smooth. They are ment to have a little side to side play yea?
Thanks again
brand new they are about $60 each

x 16= $960.00!!!

the problems you can get:
- bearings seize..
- pitting
- too much sideways action

just pull em out, give them a clean with some wd40, roll them on a clean surface, probably something like cardboard so it absorbes the fluid... if it rolls nicely and isn't pitted... re-use it..
if its seized or has any signs on pitting... throw it!

if the head is still on the car and you dont want to pull the timing belt, you can do it with everything still in tact...
just takes a bit more time and care...
FYI: if the head is still on the car and everything is in tact,
you can remove them without pulling the t/belt off by turning the crank pulley clockwise, rotating the camshaft into position (u'dwant the lowest part of the cam lobe touching the roller that u want to remove),

you'd then loosen all the cam caps gradually for that camshaft until it slowly lifts up, you only need it to come up a few mm's..

once its up, the arm should be fairly loose and should slide out OR if not, use a screw driver and pry it up...

i've changed my lifters this way and it was the easiest method for me..
if you dont loosen the camcaps, you could pry the arms out but they can be tough and send them in the air!!..

good luck mate.
i just had to replace all mine with new ones,

most of them were pitted on the slipper surface, some really badly with small chunks missing, the others not so bad. the inlets were worse than the exhauts on mine.