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THANKS for the help but i need more help please help

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thanks guys .
i have the twin cam 6 bolt vr4
i have a microtech mt8 its maped for 4g63 what is the Crank angle sensor input configuration for this motor is it ,optical,magnetic,hall effect?

the mt8 has been upgraded for loptop use.
will i be able to configure the crank angle sensor input?
please guys any help will be appreciated thank you

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Edited by cordiavr4, 24 November 2008 - 10:46 AM.



    Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines....

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optical sensor.... signal input should already be selected via the input wires into the MT8 & when it was programed..... unless it was changed??

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That's just it I don't no if mt8 is maped for single cam or twin
I bought it thinking only 4g63 not knowing which one.
Can I use laptop to configure the crank angle sensor input?



    Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines....

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theres more to it if its going from single came to twin, the wire set up would also need to be changed, as the single cam uses a dizzy and the twin uses a CAS.....

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WideBody Galant GSR 4g63 N/A+T Hybrid 1st/3rd gen +AWD
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:)thank you your great help

theres more to it if its going from single came to twin, the wire set up would also need to be changed, as the single cam uses a dizzy and the twin uses a CAS.....

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