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Varex Mufflers

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Keep us posted if someone actually can compair an ovel to a sausage
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So is everyone running the round "cannon" style? And it doesn't look too out of place (well compared to other cannons)




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I think it does look a little odd.. Personally i'd rather have it in the middle of the system painted matt black.

As a normal can you can see the valve open and close and to mee thats ugmo and here in NZ will deffinatly attact attention from the cops as the thin line says it's illegal to have a changeable system etc etc wont go into detail
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Who wants to buy my VAREX VR4 setup exhaust?!?!?!?
I need to go bigger... 3" is too small

Out of curiousity at the moment, what sort of dollars would see you part with your current system???? And what's included in 'setup'?

11 years of VR4 ownership - not driven it in the last 8 years



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they say varex on the tip, so if a cop knows what hes looking at he'll pick it up.
And you can see the flap closed but its covered in black soot anyway. It doesnt stick out.
Again, if they know what a varex is, they are goin to see it. But they arnt going to randomly look up you exhaust.

The police "shouldnt" ping you for it. Although they will.
They arnt anti social, you dont wake the neighbours up at 2am! And can cruise arount in built up areas not making noise.
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Well I will try, my current muffler is almost the exact same dimensions(including the controller unit) I think the main issue for me is going to be the clearance around the bumper and the tip, but if thats the case I will get a new tip welded on.




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The cannon fits under my CC coupe fine with the rear skirt. The motor sits on top of the muffler to protect it from the elements :) Get a load of that 4 incher! :D

It doesnt look too big or out of place IMO. Sorry, its the only shot I have of the rear end showing the exhaust at the moment :cool:

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  • EVO-00X VAREX.jpg
  • Zorst001.jpg
  • 25092007_001_.jpg
  • HereWeGo2 011208b.jpg

Edited by EVO-00X, 11 March 2009 - 09:31 AM.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



    Gday maaaate

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For those who are intersted,
My dump pipe back alone (including a metal cat) cost me about $1500.00 cost!! That is trade price also.

3" mandel bent (custom bent) mild steel which is coated. Varex twin tip muffler which has been modified to suit the VR4. Both tips have been cut off, the varex / valve side has a 3" tip which is hidden, and the other side has a Ford XR6 turbo style tip which is oval is shape.

I'll see if I can get some pictures.. It has less than 100km's on it. Comes with a race pipe too! (straight pipe instead of cat)..



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am looking into an oval 3.5" for my RVR. anyone got pics of theirs installed?

is there any way of having the valve open a quarter or half way? or is it simply open or shut??




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they have 3 settings i believe, just press the button quickly and it opens a little...

I've got a pic of one on a vr4



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they have 3 settings i believe, just press the button quickly and it opens a little...

I've got a pic of one on a vr4

please share!! :D

did you manage to get the twin tip option on? or just the single tip?




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The Varex can open at any given angle you want. It depends how long you have your finger on the button for. A quick tap and it opens a little, a little more and so on... its not a 2 or 3 step process... its gradual :thumbsup:
AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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awesome! just what i was looking forward to!! :D



    Gday maaaate

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I find that 3 taps opens it fully.

I'm running the twin one though, it seems to sieze a little when cold (wont open at all)...
But when hot, it opens like a champ.

Mine has been modified as the twin tips are rather large and I couldn't get a nice angle with them both exposed.

Here is a pic of mine.

Ultimate sleeper.
Single tip exposed, straight through tip hidden...

Anyway, anybody want to buy it? I'm changing it to a different setup as I need to go a 3.5" exhaust

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  • DSC00071 [%P].jpg

JC evo1

JC evo1

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is there enough room in the rear bar of an Evo 1-3 to fit the twin tip?
E1 - 2.2 400kw atw 25psi




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is there enough room in the rear bar of an Evo 1-3 to fit the twin tip?

nope, theres fitment issues there.
i believe mr GSRSOL can confirm
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you need a 4" baz:D

I find that 3 taps opens it fully.

I'm running the twin one though, it seems to sieze a little when cold (wont open at all)...
But when hot, it opens like a champ.

Mine has been modified as the twin tips are rather large and I couldn't get a nice angle with them both exposed.

Here is a pic of mine.

Ultimate sleeper.
Single tip exposed, straight through tip hidden...

Anyway, anybody want to buy it? I'm changing it to a different setup as I need to go a 3.5" exhaust

GENUINE CE9A evo2 gsr track car
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JC evo1

JC evo1

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nope, theres fitment issues there.
i believe mr GSRSOL can confirm

paging Dan...
E1 - 2.2 400kw atw 25psi



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You can fit the twin tip Jacob. Dirk has one on his GSR.
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JC evo1

JC evo1

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You can fit the twin tip Jacob. Dirk has one on his GSR.

orly didnt know that. Do you know how he likes it? Any recent pics?
E1 - 2.2 400kw atw 25psi

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