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Woohoo!! Springy Motors now an official AUTRONIC DEALER!

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    Wannabe Racer

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ENGINR, the ECU will open up your lancer unlike any other mod.

As for which ECU, it really depends on your budget.

You know which one I would choose =)

Feel free to come by and I can show you how they work.

Yeah I reckon my car has gotten to the point where I will soon be needing an ECU to get the full potential out of it.

However my priorities at the moment are braking and safety THEN more power (gotta learn to drive it with what it already has!), hence Big Mod #1 is the Brembo conversion, Big Mod #2 is the roll-cage and Big Mod #3 will be an ECU.

Am def keen to check out your car and see what the Autronic ECU has to offer.
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    Gday maaaate

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When are you free?
We can organise a time if you want.

We have a bunch of AUTRONIC cars at the shop. I can show you around those cars if you want mate..

Let me know!

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