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wtb - lsd for fwd 93t box

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hey all im chasing a lsd for my fwd 93t.im pretty sure its a gsr box(will get under car and take down part number).i have seen a orange glxi getting around my area who i know has one and his pulling some good times down the quater.Im having trouble getting traction in 1st and 2nd gr under boost and i was thinking thats prob the best way to try and get traction down. if anyone has any other ideas feel free to throw some ideas at me:).

cheers everyone.




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I had to go new buddy.

KAAZ 1.5 way will cost you about 1.5k approx.

They are the same front diffs in the VR4 / EVO1-2-3 / GSR's.
I even believe the late model stuff may share the same diff... don't quote me on that though...

What area are you from?



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.Im having trouble getting traction in 1st and 2nd gr under boost and i was thinking thats prob the best way to try and get traction down.

4WD conversion! :D

If you want to spend the cash tho- an LSD and some slicks will get you traction!



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Mechanical or lsd, cos i have 2 here, but will be using in my GSR shortly.

GSR Lancer- JE-73-VO, 11.701@125mph, 1.79 60" and getting faster. No:3 conrod now orbiting the moon.

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