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4G93t boost

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Get a plumb back Evo8 MR BOV :thumbsup:
Meek have them for an awesome price and they hold enough boost!

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

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Hey guys,

I have a fairly mechanically standard GSR from my knowledge and the guy that had it before me put in a higher boost switch which makes it run on 20psi. I run it on that most of the time with no problems.
TD04L, standard injectos (390cc), standard exhaust manifold, dump pipe, intercooler. It does however have an aftermarket no brand BOV. The only issue on 20psi is the fuel economy! I should take it apart to see the internals but have not yet had the time.





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Its not a problem until it pops!
Rob from Creatd recommended a maximum of 15psi for an untouched bottom end on my 93T.
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    Nothing Under 35psi!

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I ran 18-20psi only thing that let go was the rings! No bent rods or melted pistons



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*posting here to save starting a new thread*


Stupid question: To run 15psi daily, do I need a retune/larger injectors? Or it simply a case of getting a decent electronic boost controller and getting that set up right?

Edited by NFG, 21 February 2019 - 04:13 AM.

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