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WTS 780cc injectors, stock e6 GSR turbo

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Item(s) for sale: Precision 780cc injectors
Price or Offer Range: $300
Information: like new, used for 1000km's in the US, bought from a member of another forum who bought it from evom, but never used them (i never used them either). one of the injectors is missing an o-ring (the plastic seal ring) which u can easily buy for a buck or 2.
Location: Sydney
Contact Details: PM / PM me for mob. no.
Terms: price + shipping, preferred pickup.
looks like this!

Posted Image

i will update pics when i get some tonight.

Edited by Onr3e, 11 February 2009 - 04:09 AM.

'99 CP9A - GT30R-WG, 780CC inj, Zeta 3, wingless with lots of CF

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