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Seat Rails...

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  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
  • 122 posts
  • LocationGeelong, Vic
Howdy all,
Has anyone that put aftermarket seats in their cb gsr got any ideas/ info on how to make them fit properly. i modified the drivers side seat rail yesterday, but when i went to put it in the car it was so much higher than standard height that my head was touching the bloody roof! (lucky i have 2 sets of rails :D). after looking at the rails i cant see any way to attach the seat lower, is there any aftermarket rails you can buy???
anyway thanks in advance guys any info would be greatly appreciated,



    Formerly known as FRONTN

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  • LocationHillside, Victoria
I have a cordia gsr and the same thing happened to me. There's no possible way to have the seat rail lower and I believe it's the aftermarket seat itself, so I've gone back to standard seats which aren't bad at all.
Cordia seats maybe?
TMAK - JDM Evo 6.5 TME White with stripes - burnzytuned
|MAP shortblock 2.4LR 10.5:1CR|MAP EF3|GSC S2|Ohlins coilovers|Cusco|Endless|Meek|Turbosmart|Spoolin Up|Bosch 2000|Walbro 400|Zeitronix|GM|Kumho|Stock ported intake and exhaust manifolds|
366kws (vdr) @ 2.1bar
Old setup: 280kws (vdr) @ 24psi [email protected]

Previously owned the FRONTN Cordia.




  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationGeelong, Vic
Thanks for the reply FRONTN, not what i was hoping to hear tho :)
How much different are cc rails to cb, i mean where it actually bolts to the floor?? cause there are heaps of aftermarket rails for cc's.

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