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WANTED stock exhaust

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to pass rego iv gotta take my 3" exhaust off so i was hoping someone would lend/ sell their stock one? it is to fit on a 14b turbo.

or should i just get the dump changed to suit the 14b turbo and 3" exhaust?



    E III Recaro Pilot

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to pass rego iv gotta take my 3" exhaust off so i was hoping someone would lend/ sell their stock one? it is to fit on a 14b turbo.

or should i just get the dump changed to suit the 14b turbo and 3" exhaust?

Sorry but WTF!
Why cant you have an aftermarket exhaust?
17-08-2007, 01:46 PM

In no time you'll realise you made a mistake.
You'll be back

He was right (now back to a F**kn Barina) Lookn for a 7 though !!!!!!!!



    VR4 A'Spec

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to pass rego iv gotta take my 3" exhaust off so i was hoping someone would lend/ sell their stock one? it is to fit on a 14b turbo.

or should i just get the dump changed to suit the 14b turbo and 3" exhaust?

U are very unlucky, i just gave my stock standard vr4 exhaust to my new neighbour 2day he is going to use it for scrap metal, it has been on sale for about three months now..




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that sucks. im sure there's more out there.

i need a stocky cause the dump pipe i have now dosent fit to a 14b and i figured it would be easier if the zorst was stock all the wayy as the exhaust i have now is pretty loud



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Ah I see your dilemma.. which turbo does your dump pipe fit?




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the dump i have now fits a gt25...


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