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WTB: Evo 9 seats

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Hey guys I'm chasing a set of Evo 9 seats for my 06 lancer. Any ideas where i can get them and if they would fit in the lancer es without any alterations?




    Wannabe Racer

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You want to try Evo-oz mate. There's a user on that forum and on this one, FQ400, who was looking to sell his E8 leather interior a while ago.

EVO 9 and ES Lancers are waaaaay too new for us guys!! :w00t:
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



    Evo VIII 2.3 GT35R

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pm sent
Josh - Evo VIII 2.3 GT35R - Melbourne



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what are you asking for your seats Josh. PM me if you want.

Current: 04 E46 M3 S/C
89 E30 325is

RIP: 94 J-Spec Lancer GSR - 149.1 kw
Winton Raceway: 1:41.8900

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