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replace 4g69 with 4g63t

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Does anyone know the cost to drop a 4g63 into a 06 lancer FWD. And is it a lengthy process?



    Passion Fingers

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it is possible i, but you will need an engine out of an evo 9 or something after the build date of your lancer. or you could use the motor you have and get a custom exhaust manifold and supporting mods (ecu, injectors, etc) and put a turbo onto it. if i'm right the 4g69 is the 2.4L? which would have a bit more torque than the 4g63



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yep a 4g69 is a 2.4 mivec

is your 06 lancer a ce, cg,ch model lancer

because depending on wat model your lancer is you could use the motor out of a evo6-9



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Why not sell it and buy an evo. after the money you spend converting it its still FWD and you could have bought an evo with AWD, better brakes, handling ect and most likely better resale.
99% home built for a life time warranty. Engine now needing repair under 'warranty'

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