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Aerial woes

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Hi guys,

I'm in a bit of a pickle... I just took the spoiler and aerial off my RX7 to have a look at the new spoiler, only thing is now, I can't get the aerial to clamp back down tightly onto the car.

Is there some secret to this? Surely it can't be too hard. Posted Image

1984 Mazda RX7

2000 Triumph Daytona 955i

1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]



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...all sorted

I was missing the piece which sits beneath the aerial to hold it up against the body
1984 Mazda RX7

2000 Triumph Daytona 955i

1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]

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