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VR4 Crank sensor re-wire (evo3 loom)

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  • Active Members
  • PipPip
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ok as in title,
i have vr4 engine attempting to install with evo 3 loom ecu etc,
anyone guide me through the exact parts needed to make this mish of a job work? even which wires i could re-wire in the plugs etc,
having a really hard time with this.





  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationHobart, Tas
what ecu are u going to use??
firt thing i recomend u to do is get a diagram of the vr4 pin out ecu and a evo 3 diagram cause by memory i think there are a couple of pin outs that are in different spots,
sort out ur loom from under the pass foot well on the left under the glove box where ur feet would sit.
the ecu sits up in there with the loom goes up and comes out on fire wall on the right under the waser bottle.
bring the loom out to there the atempt to sort out what wires are for each sensor and things.
u will have a lot of wires and colours, stepper motor 4 wires and 2 power wires 6 all up idl 1 2 3 4, injectors 2 for each 8 wires all up crank sensor 3 or 4 wires,
oxy sensor tps sensor map sensor or afm, timing, ignition 1 2 3 4, av1 av2 boost control fuel pump, trigger, home, air temp coolant temp, then ecu power and ground thats of the top of my head but think i missed one or two,
try get some diagrams bro.
i have put a few ecu in before
i recomend haltech or motech altronic,
good luck man



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