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brake problem?

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i was just wondering if you guys had any thoughts on this
i started noticing that on slight hills my car wouldnt roll back in neutral and sometimes it would, i checked that both front caliper slides moved freely and that the handbrake wasnt sticking and it was all good. but this morning when i pulled up at work i noticed smoke comming from the drivers side front caliper:huh: its like the piston is sticking when looking at the brakes there is nothing visually wrong
its a gsr with 63 conversion and it does have abs



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It could possibly be sticking BUT handbrake only locks your rear brakes up.

So if it is moving, then pull harder. You may need to readjust your handbrake otherwise leave it in gear when on a hill.



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what i mean is that when im sitting at the lights on a hill and i let off the brake the car wont roll back its like the brakes are on all the time, the handbrake holds fine there's no problem there, plus the front wheels get covered in brake dust within a week. i thought originally that they were just cheap pads



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You probably have a sticker caliper...
Get the car up on jackstands and with the brakes off, spin each wheel. The one that doesn't spin easily has the stick caliper.

Pull it off and get it rebuilt



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might just do a e3 brake conversion, but i didnt really think it was worth it



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its a gsr with 63 conversion

than it needs evo brakes.
(you'll love 'em!)

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