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Roadrage War Stories
Posted 22 December 2009 - 02:27 AM
Toot my horn at a guy that almost collides into me when hes merging . He proceeds to absolutely lose the plot and proceeds to start shrieking at me like a wounded cat to try to get me to stop so we can go to fisticuffs. After about a minute of speeding up and slowing down, I turn down a side street and give him the finger, so he starts chasing me again. So I decide the dance has gone off long enough and burn off.
When it comes to Road rage all bets are off. I dont mind getting into a bar/pub fight when its hand to hand and you can see what your fighting, but how many times do you hear on the news "roadrage incident man stabbed, etc etc...."
Part of me thinks I should have gotten out of the car and clobbered him, but whats not to say the douche bag doesnt have a gun or knife? Jason Moran used to drive around in a mitsubishi nimbus (or tarago???) so cars can sometimes be deceiving with regards to occupants.
Anyone else have similar experience? Probably best to avoid such incidents in cars like ours.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 02:50 AM
People either think their cool or they cant drive and enter the round about from the outside lane, cut into the inside lane and then exit on the outside lane..."taking the racing line". The fact other people are on the round about doesn't seam to bother some people and it can get very messy very quickly, especially when they use this "line" as an overtaking procedure. Ontop of that it's very common to have a "form one lane" just after the round about and when you have a tool flying through the round-a-bout like above and then come to a form one's always going to end in tears.
And idiots that can't indicate...they really give me the's not hard to flick the stalk to give others an idea on where your going...
I normally do what needs to be done to avoid any contact..keep a smile on my face and distance myself from the car incase they do anything else stupid.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 03:26 AM
I do over 1000k most weeks and see all kinds of of these plates would at least warn me to expect something stupid from a driver
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 06:05 AM
Posted 22 December 2009 - 06:34 AM
He could have just waited instead of having a 3 yr old hissy fit
Posted 22 December 2009 - 09:51 AM
If Im abused for no fault of my own I lose it. Maybe its from baggage I've had to grow up with as a kid and maybe I need assistance with some anger management or something but when my heart pounds through my chest and the metallic taste of adrenaline dances on my tongue, I feel alive. I can honestly say I find it difficult to control my actions when in this kind of mood and I dare say most of you get like this from time to time also?
Sometimes it scares me to the lengths I am prepared to go to if confronted.... as a cyclist this year found out when he pulled up along side of my car abusing me through the window (the dikhead swerved out of his lane to avoid a car door then have the nerve to blame me for almost hitting him and not showing a fellow road user courtesy?? WTF??). Anyhow, in that instance I took probably 10-15 seconds of his abuse before I opened the door and walked to the boot with the intention of grabbing the wheel brace to beat his fkn head in. Needless to say as soon as he saw me walk toward the boot he took off. The scariest thing is that I was actually going to do it. I knew I was going to do it every step of the way, but I couldnt stop myself from doing it. God be on my side when I clash with someone who gets the same way
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.
372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 10:55 AM
I took probably 10-15 seconds of his abuse before I opened the door and walked to the boot with the intention of grabbing the wheel brace to beat his fkn head in.
he he he
I had something in my boot I dubbed "old painless" for just such an occasion years ago, but I took it out when I looked at the legal ramifications of assault with a weapon. Assault with a weapon is a much heftier charge than just assault. Even throwing something out of a car at someone these days can be classified as "attempted murder with missile".
However in saying all this, whats happens the next time one of us jumps out to confront them and theyre wielding something?
Posted 22 December 2009 - 12:08 PM
Might also just be christmas time...but people nowadays lack common courtesy.
Current Car: 93 Evo II
Posted 22 December 2009 - 12:14 PM
Posted 22 December 2009 - 12:41 PM
he he he
I had something in my boot I dubbed "old painless" for just such an occasion years ago, but I took it out when I looked at the legal ramifications of assault with a weapon. Assault with a weapon is a much heftier charge than just assault. Even throwing something out of a car at someone these days can be classified as "attempted murder with missile".
However in saying all this, whats happens the next time one of us jumps out to confront them and theyre wielding something?
Mag-Lite torch ftw.
Posted 22 December 2009 - 01:27 PM
I had a similar issue with a driver cutting accross 3 lanes cutting me off, needless to say i was on the horn. We exchanged verbals for a short period before he decided to pull over, and i followed. We got out and i put in my mouthguard (always kept in my back pocket, a habbit from years of managing night clubs), long story short he came off second best i was charged and apparently the use of a mouthguard shows intent which increases the charge. I also uses to carry a taped up roll of 10c pieces in my pocket but not on this day. Needless to say an assault charge on your record isnt worth it when dealing with dickheads its better to just ignore as hard as it can be and as deserving of a beating they may be.
hahahahaha mouthguard. Epic
Posted 22 December 2009 - 02:43 PM
Posted 22 December 2009 - 03:03 PM
Posted 22 December 2009 - 11:41 PM
Posted 23 December 2009 - 12:55 AM
Posted 23 December 2009 - 03:18 AM
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:14 AM
Anyone who has been taught to disarm is generally also taught NOT to succumb to road rage. Street violence is frowned upon heavily in every martial arts studio I know of.
Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:33 AM
Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:36 AM
they got out to sus it out and the 40+ old bloke(much bigger than the other bloke) starts laying into the guy with the trailer throwin him around etc.
nobody got out to help (Was a traffic jam anyway so traffic was near on stopped in their direction(i was traveling the opposite way)
was so rediculous
my brother blanks out and goes on a rampage or so he tells me
he remembers picking up his ull-be stick(ull be F'd if i hit you with it) and doesn't remember anything after that...and he didn't have said stick any more
ive never been a road rager or had much road rage
Posted 23 December 2009 - 07:50 AM
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.
372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.
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