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Where to have aftermarket seats installed?

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Hey guys,

Currently have a pair of FTO seats lying around and wanting it installed in my mirage soon. They don't bolt straight on so I'll need the rails customized to fit or have tabs made up. Quick question, where exactly can I have this fitted? Engineer certificate preferably... I would want to do it myself but I run the risk of getting defected or my own life on the line :unsure:, so I'll rather pay for it done.



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Try Ray at AutoRacingTechnik. He does a lot of custom metalwork and he will know someone who can do it if he doesn't.

03-9459-0880 tell him Clarence sent you.
www.tangcla.com - photography

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Thanks man. I will call him soon asap.

Searched around for other metal fab places, and saw some positive reviews about FabRaications so I might give them a call as well.

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