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Need inputs: Conn rod bearing sizing

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Hi guys,

I am new to this conn rod bearing sizing.
I was browsing through the MMC ASA trying to look for a replacement conn rod bearing when I came across this STD1, STD2, STD3 bearing sizes (with color coding, Black, Purple, and Green, respectively).:unsure::unsure:
MMC ASA even shows another one with only STD with out the no.

Is this the same with the piston ring sizing? Oversize +0.25, etc?

I'm confused

Which one should I take?
The engine is a 4G63 DOHC Non-turbo 6-bolt :unsure::unsure:

Thanks a lot!

Happy new year! and More HP to all:)

Edited by poy, 07 January 2010 - 12:17 PM.

Philippine 6-bolter



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Before ordering bearings you should almost always pull the engine apart and measure it to find out what size you need. Yes it's oversizing just like pistons and so forth.

To be on the safe side, it's generally best to get whoever is building the motor to order the bearings.
The 4G63 motor code is street shorthand for dominance. It's automotive Darwinism.





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I'm looking at my existing bearing now and it has some "US 025" mark.
Does this mean its .025 mm clearance?

What size/clearance do the STD1, STD2, STD3 have?

Or can I just simply purchase the same bearing with the 025 mark? as I am keeping the same shaft for the moment.

Here's what I got from MMC ASA BTW:
Posted Image

Edited by poy, 07 January 2010 - 02:08 PM.

Philippine 6-bolter

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