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Easiest solution it sounds is for her to get a new mobile number.

yeah but the dude should just get the hint already. oh well. i really am slightly tempted by the dead grass thing lol or perhaps just a letter in the post
Name: Sherman

Current Car: 93 Evo II

The Godfather

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why dont you go see this guy face to face and tell him to stop calling? or does your gf like it that he calls? cause somethings up, if she says she hates him calling but wont let you talk to him.
shit talker extraordinaire



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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yeah but the dude should just get the hint already. oh well. i really am slightly tempted by the dead grass thing lol or perhaps just a letter in the post

we need to chat grasshopper

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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we need to chat grasshopper

oh yes sensei :P

haha i picked up on the c**t today. get this guys....20times he called well more i lost count he even called home phone too and i stayed over later on purpose till like 4.30am and even then he STILL CALLED and the shit he says wow <_<
Name: Sherman

Current Car: 93 Evo II

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