would have to agree with everyone troy sorry to say mate, love the car, but the chick FAIL
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evo201's Evo
Started by evo201, Jan 20 2010 10:11 AM
Posted 24 January 2010 - 01:57 AM
Posted 24 January 2010 - 01:59 AM
bit harsh guys
a little respect for the girls.
this was there photo shoot and they asked me if they could use the car
this was somthing that they did for free
a little respect for the girls.
this was there photo shoot and they asked me if they could use the car
this was somthing that they did for free
Posted 24 January 2010 - 02:09 AM
"this was somthing that they did for free"
Phew-lucky for you! :w00t: Not worth paying for.....
Phew-lucky for you! :w00t: Not worth paying for.....
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 24 January 2010 - 09:08 AM
Car looks wicked in those photo's troy... but the girl that looks like a foot with your harness covering her boobs.... no good.
Name: Dom
Ride: 1995 Evolution III
Location: Gold Coast
Email/MSN: [email protected]
12.5 @ 110mph 2.2 60ft - there might be a 12 flat left in her yet
Ride: 1995 Evolution III
Location: Gold Coast
Email/MSN: [email protected]
12.5 @ 110mph 2.2 60ft - there might be a 12 flat left in her yet
Posted 24 January 2010 - 11:30 AM
Did they at least give you a blow job after mate?
.... A lap dance maybe?
oh common!!!!!!
Great car though! Looks like a lot of work has gone into it!
.... A lap dance maybe?
oh common!!!!!!
Great car though! Looks like a lot of work has gone into it!
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