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Faildatalogs are fail

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    ECMTuning, Inc.

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  • LocationFrederick, MD - USA

Is ECMLink based off the factory ECU binaries or is it a rewrite?

It's based on the factory binaries, but we've rewritten large chunks of it, including much of the airflow sampling and calculation logic and, of course, all the communications stuff. In fact, on the full V3 for the 1G DSMs, we have nearly as much of our code as the factory provided originally. I haven't done that same check on V3Lite yet, so I'm not sure how that compares.

The OP (Entaran) mentioned CELs - are these coming out because of ECMLink is throwing them on knock or are they real?

Knock related for sure. There's a setting in the Dash tab where you can define how many degrees of retard due to knock will trigger the CEL.

And is there some function in ECMLink to retrieve the values - and perhaps address another underlying problem?

His log files include all that data already, including his ECU configuration at the time.

Thomas Dorris

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