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Bloody paint sniffers! Rant!

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Felt like having a rant!
I work at a car parts shop as a casual. Work there much more in the holidays. Fantastic job.

Over the past few weeks we have increasing had had a few of the 'natives' coming in trying to steal paint and quick grip glue.
They come in off their head trying to steal and being aggressive, one was lunging at the girls while i was kicking his mate out a few weeks back. They threaten to bash us ect haha. One of the girls in particular is actually great at kicking them out but why should sh have to deal with it.

The shopping center security are great they come so quickly and today even followed them to us on their cameras and walked in a kicked them strait out. Before we had to call. Ive never had so much respect for security.

What pisses me off if now the other blokes all stand back and watch me do it and none have balls.
I once sold them hammer finish before, thinking they won't sniff it, in the avo they come back all messed up and aggressive trying to steal stuff.

They came in this mourning before i started with a whole family and no one called security.

I put the quick grip glue behind the counter but have heard that if it doesn't sell it had to go back on the shelf what a joke!

So the girls that work there have to put up with being threatened , they have more guts than most the blokes. One day i'm probably gonna get my car or head kicked in. Coz i'm always in their face.

They should be kicked out every time so they realize not to come back and security deal with them. And build a case against each on of them, 3 or 4 main ones that we have footage of and me personally seen stashing paint.

I'm at the point of being pissed of hearing my name called to glue or a security call. And when i notion for the other boy to follow me they don't.

Edited by milkandoj, 10 February 2010 - 11:20 AM.



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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mate , next time before you respond to one of those calls........think about this. if one of the sniffers bops you are you covered by workers comp? if you hurt one or one is injured while being ejected by you are you covered legally?

if you make a racist or demeaning remark.........what will happen to you? will the company pay your costs

if one of these sniffers decides to run amuck on your car.....who suffers most. you while your pride and joy is ruined and off the road or the sniffer that gets a slap on the wrist and MAYBE ordered to pay for damages at 50 cents a week.

I know and fully understand your frustration having worked in a retail environment!

But take it from someone that has learned a few hard and costly truths along the way........let them have the damn paint! in fact give them twice as much of the most poisonous brew you can find because all you can do is hope they die.

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Well that where i was at today.
I was thinking stuff this i'm sick of being the only one who does something coz its gonna come down on me.

I had it all sorted for the last 2 weeks, i would walk up to him an calmly say, "look mate i'm going to polity ask you to leave. You have been aggressive the the staff and tried to steal so i would like you to leave. And he gets out.

I was thinking of writing up a letter for the boss and get everyone to sign it so that we can have a policy put into place that they are kicked out strait away so there's consistency and they don't come back.
There needs to be some directive from the head office to what we can do. Otherwise there continues to be grey areas.

The other side of it is i don't want to stir shit in case the boss doesn't appreciate it and get less shifts for firing the gun for everyone else.
Ive gotten burnt before at another job by doing what i though was right and sticking up for other people and i copped it so loyalty doesn't always pay



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I used to work at a servo when I was a kid, doing night shift. We were one of the only servos in Auckland who sold paint to sniffers- about a box of silver and a box of clear a night, mostly to pro's, tranny's, fafa's and their associates. My boss was sweet with it- we just kept it all behind the counter!

They even offered me sexual favours in exchange for a can!!! No thanks!!! :thumbsdown:



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If youre really that peeved about it I say get the good for nothing media involved. Dont tell them theyre natives, but tell the local paper, ACA type shows (ewwww I know) and other print/tv media about this story of "hard working australians being threatened where they work".... and "Glue sniffing epidemic in Australia"...

The media may kick start the police into action, who will probably come out and say the problem is too big to police, blah blah blah.....

Then this will probably lead to photo id being produced and recorded when you buy glue, as is customary in Australia.

Edited by Squiddy, 11 February 2010 - 12:47 AM.

"Did you say government car?"




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They even offered me sexual favours in exchange for a can!!! No thanks!!! :thumbsdown:[/QUOTE]

thats what your telling us :P



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What you really need to do is hold low kick down for 5 seconds...

Lui Kang bicycle kick FTMFW!

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I used to work at a servo when I was a kid, doing night shift. We were one of the only servos in Auckland who sold paint to sniffers- about a box of silver and a box of clear a night, mostly to pro's, tranny's, fafa's and their associates. My boss was sweet with it- we just kept it all behind the counter!

They even offered me sexual favours in exchange for a can!!! No thanks!!! :thumbsdown:

Hahaha. I agree with BMGTZ though, I used to work in a pub and the first time I closed up the boss said, if someones going to rob the place, just give them what they want, it's not worth you getting hurt over a few bucks or a couple of bottles of spirits. Just call security and let them deal with it. (curiously, a mate of mine is a security guard, and even they aren't expected to put themselves at risk, they're told i they see shit going down, just call the cops).



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I should start selling them etch primer!
See how you lungs go then!:drool:



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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I should start selling them etch primer!
See how you lungs go then!:drool:

ISOCYANATES........mentioned on the can+ sniffing= dead[/B]

with long term abuse

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Same as when i was working at steggles and a knife fight broke out with the chinese contractors, meanwhile i was 2 metres away from them... i just walked away, no way im riskin my life being there.. they can kill themselves as much as they like
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Offer 'the locals' a cigarette and hold the naked flame next to their nostrils when you're lighting it! :thumbsup:
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    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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shit wont burn till it dries out.

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i say turn a few cans upside down , blow the gas out and sell them those , you make money, they dont get high , they realise you sell them bad stock and they move on , I ve lived in perth for a bit near midlands and I truely understand the frustration you go through , for those of you who dont know they have their own police so they dont have to go through the white system for mistermeaner offenses- it just aint fair
showing people how to do it right the first time:fuuuuu:



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I would hawk them etch primer and tell them it's way stronger and works better.

Think of all the social welfare payments we save.

Even offer them 5% off etch primer on a VIP card. See how many you can get :P
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Moved more stuff they try to sniff behind the counter today. Slowly getting rid of them.

On a side note. Those 3 Indian blokes who stabbed each other with 2 dying as a result over money issues lived about 200m from my work.

Whats i though was disgusting was one of the boys family friends father or somthing getting on tv say " i moved to this city because i though it was safe, its not!"

Is your own people stabbing each other. So its actually them bringing violence here!
There was no reports of a bloke in stubbies and a case of vb on one shoulder fleeing the scene!

Same as how all these people got up in arms saying that indian people were the victims of racial bashings. And having a go at the cops.

They just got mugged at uni and other places. Like everyone else does!
At least they wernt shot like you would be in South Africa for 2 bucks.

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