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New Group Buy Rules

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    Donating Member

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  • LocationTownsville
Dear 4GTuner members,

We have been in the process of reviewing and revising the Group Buy rules.

As a result, from now on, the following points must be considered and understood by each individual member who is thinking about starting or joining a group buy:

1) The member in charge of the Group Buy must be a SENIOR member(s) of the forum. Senior Members are those members who have 1000 posts or more or members who have been registered for longer than two years. Permission must be sought from the Administrator/Moderator team if members without these prerequisites are considering leading a Group Buy.

2) Vendors or Site Sponsors may post Group Buys at their leisure in their own forum sections, of if they do not have their own vendor section, in the normal For Sale section;

3) The Group Buy organiser should research the product(s) thoroughly and determine if it is the best deal possible for other members;

4) Administrators or Moderators will have little input into the Group Buy itself, BUT if we determine that it is too risky, or time is dragging on too long without a positive result, we will do our best to swiftly intervene such that adverse outcomes for participating members do not arise;

5) All members interested in initiating a Group Buy should register their interest with an Administrator or Moderator prior to posting the Group Buy in the For Sale Section (This does not apply for Vendors or Sponsors);

6) Once members have joined a Group Buy deposits should be paid to the Member or Vendor leading the Group Buy ASAP;

7) After a certain time period specified by the Member or Vendor leading the Group Buy, deposits are to be Non-Refundable, to speed up the Group Buy so that members who have paid their balances receive the goods in a timely manner. This is mainly to prevent members exiting the Group Buy at the last minute and jeopardizing the process for other members who have already paid; and,

8) *NOTE* 4GTuner, and the Administration and Moderator Team will NOT be held responsible for any adverse outcome of a Group Buy and all members participate in such activities at their own risk!

We hope that this helps to speed up Group buys and help the forum and its members get a better deal!

4Gtuner Admin & Mod team.

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910

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