im looking for an evo 6 afm, anyone with anything would be great, the number on the afm is e5t08072 and 787.
Thank you
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wtb: evo 6 afm maf
Started by post, Apr 20 2010 09:40 PM
Posted 20 April 2010 - 09:40 PM
Posted 20 April 2010 - 11:05 PM
Hey mate, can you please put your location in your User CP for us please as per forum rules?im looking for an evo 6 afm, anyone with anything would be great, the number on the afm is e5t08072 and 787.
Thank you
This will also help you find your item quicker.
How about this one from an evo4? Not sure on part numbers etc, but i'd assume they might be the same. Shoot the seller a quick pm maybe.
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