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J-spec clutch master cylinder

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Just wondering if the J-spec clutch master cylinder is the same as the A-spec ones, mine is leaking on the rod where the rubber boot is. Any ideas on how to solve this.



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Either re-kit or replace. They are quite cheap to buy new, so I would just do that. I wouldn't see a reason why A-Spec would be different from J-Spec.
Jon - Evo VII. Previous cars: Evo VI, Evo VIII, Legnum, E39a VR4, Cordia GSR's. Owner of Driven Motorsport - Adelaide.



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Any idea how much? Got a quote from southern brakes down here at o'sullivan beach for $184 fitted.



    Gday maaaate

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They are the same. Although there are a few options.

A magna one should also be the same.

From memory, supplied only is in the $120.00 mark so that price you have is pretty good fitted!



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Yes they are the same.
Last time I got trade prices (last year), they were $50 for a new clutch master cylinder or $30 for a kit.
Chrome hater No. 1.
Former owner of the pair of ass kicking boots for purchasers of cheap ebay chinese knock off turbos. - Ass kicking boots now for sale SOLD.

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What year model magna that has the same clutch master cylinder as the vr4 ones?

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