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A Number Plate (QLD)

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    E III Recaro Pilot

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  • LocationGold Coast
Hello everyone agaiiiin.:)

Item: QLD Number Plate
Price: Purchase price>$2300
Location: Gold Coast
Contact: Pm, Email, Reply

I listed this with PPQ, so it may go to one of their auctions whenever they come up.Anyway, not that anyone seems to have any excess money at the moment, but is for sale and all offers are considered above that of purchase price.

White text, black 'Flexiglass' facing.
Slimline Front and Slimline Rear (Both 372x100mm)

If you have to ask what this plate means then Its probably not for you. Yes you will probably get less leniency and likely breath/drug tested every time your pulled up. But if your car is has the effect of relaxing you then.........


Attached Thumbnails

  • 13052010018.jpg

Edited by JAP63, 20 May 2010 - 12:23 AM.

17-08-2007, 01:46 PM

In no time you'll realise you made a mistake.
You'll be back

He was right (now back to a F**kn Barina) Lookn for a 7 though !!!!!!!!

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