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set up a pod for rvr turbo

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  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationSydney

sorry only havin had a couple of turbo cars i dont quite understand the term boost cut, as previously i have hit 25psi would this mean i could do that again (dont worry not that i would lol) or is it more to do with the air and fuel mix that is in the engine at a certain point?? at a guess what would you be thinking boost cut would be around as i wouldnt be looking to run anymore than you have say 18psi

also would the SAFC once re-tuned eliminate these possible knocks or would i need a tunable ecu something like an ECMLink??

thanks for the help

and yes will hopefully chuck up a couple of videos and pics of the car with build specs after the drags :D

Boost cut is calculated in our cars as g/sec of air intake. Big turbo=more airflow, small turbo=less airflow. What's your turbo setup to make over 250hp with only 12.5psi of boost?
SAFC will not eliminate knocks, you need a chip or any other tunable ECU.
Lancer Evolution 7 GSR '01

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