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where is Door power lock Module?

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Please tell me where can i find door power lock module?
and does anybody have its wiring diagram?
i want to install alarm system and cant find that sucker :(
was lookin for it under dash at drivers side but couldnt find it
car is EVO II

please advice.




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Each door has an individual solenoid but all can be controlled from the driver's door solenoid -- that's the one you want to connect to when fitting an alarm. Take your door trim off and follow the hard thick almost coathanger-like wires from the driver's inner door lock to find the solenoid connected to it. It will be a black box bolted inside of the door shell. You can put your hand in and disconnect the plug from it. When you have the plug you can identify the wires in the door loom and then back into the cabin to connect your alarm to.

I dont have an exact pic of where the driver's module is, but here is one to show you where it lives in the rear door. Same sort of principle, easy to find.
(look at area circuled in yellow in the attached pic)

Attached Images

  • Rear door central locking module.jpg

Edited by EVO-00X, 04 June 2010 - 08:12 AM.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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Try these pics.

The pic of the control unit location is for a LHD so the steering column isn't shown, this block of relays is located to the right of the column just below the dash.

Being an Evo 2 you will more than likely have the control unit with the delay pulse ( file name central door 1994.


Attached Thumbnails

  • central door 1993.JPG
  • central door 1994.JPG
  • central door.jpg

GSR gone. Now driving 14 lancer ralliart but miss my GSR.

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