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4g63 N/A - MELB!

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after a N/A 4g63 engine.

must be in working order.

if anyone has one or can direct me to where i can find one would be great.

*note* engine is not for me, as you all know i am after a 4g61. i have found a 4g61 for myself but in order to get it the person requires a replacement 4g63.




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My local pick-a-part has heaps of these engines.. They come in Hyundais too for your info-which are 97% identical... If you get stuck I could enquire there for you- but surely you have these wreckers down there??
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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My local pick-a-part has heaps of these engines.. They come in Hyundais too for your info-which are 97% identical... If you get stuck I could enquire there for you- but surely you have these wreckers down there??

hehe.. thanks mate,

yeah its the weekend so they ain't open.

so i thought i'd post up here for now.


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