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*NWS* (Graphic) EVERYONE on this forum needs to watch this. *NWS*

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Go, full length.

Pack an airsickness bag because it's graphic. Let's say the Aussie regulators would NEVER let this hit tv. Count the number of VN's.
The 4G63 motor code is street shorthand for dominance. It's automotive Darwinism.




    Nothing Under 35psi!

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thats just distrubing....one minute was enough!



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looks to be a compilation of road commercials from around the world including some from AUS, pretty full on.
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo




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Definitely a good one to show to new drivers!
Quite a few of the scenes have been shown over here in road safety adverts already. Quite a few years ago now though.

Dsmlink V3 + E85 :drool: 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her

Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!

How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.



    has no car :(

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2.30min was most graphic for me. feel sorry for the gf
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo




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Great mix of real footage + commercials put to one of the most tear-jerking songs ever.
The sad reality is that its inevitable that no matter how good a driver you are a small % of fatal accidents will occur whether you are at fault or not. Thats why they are called 'accidents'... human or mechanical error... they are still accidents.
To all those who have loved and lost somebody they care about in a car accident, may you find peace and forgiveness in your hearts.
AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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every parents nightmare.....their kids driving and having an accident

give your kids a safe car and you can only hope. safe as in awd= hard to do spin wheels unless they are deliberately doing so. ABS and 4wheel discs = hopefully they can steer around the accident or stop before it.

your right about every one needing to watch.....all of it.... an hope it sinks in.

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





    AWD 4G63T POWAH!

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Yeh i seen that, really full on

I posted the link in the youtube thread a few days ago :P
------------ 4GTUNER STICKERS - CLICK HERE ------------

------------------------- 4G63T AWD COUPE -------------------------
----------------------- WWW.EVOCOUPE.NET -----------------------



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Definitely a good one to show to new drivers!

Definately agree. It's not to say that experienced drivers don't also make mistakes but if you can at least instill it into their minds from very early in their driving days, perhaps we'd see less of "stupid" driving, weaving in and out of traffic, overtaking on blind corners etc that you see on sydney roads every day.

I'm always aware when there is a P-plate driver around me and its almost like I can predict their next move eg. a spot appears in the next lane and sure enough, theyr'e in there quicker than you can say so! :thumbsdown:
A-Spec VR4 - SOLD



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Even though its a repeated post ill leave it in here but with NWS in the title.

BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

STILL Needs more Kilowatts!

Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910




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That is bloody awesome! Yes it should be shown to all new drivers!
and some older ones too. I think the government sould grow some balls and air this on TV

maybe late TV as not to disturb the little ones. (in theory should show them so they can keep their parents in check) I knopw mine do!!!

lets you know your not bullet proof!
GOD = An imaginary friend for grown-ups!
Aussie GSR CC Lancer - stroked to 2.4ltr - 275kws low boost, std fuel no cheating!
Now fitted with some serious AP 4pot 330mm stoppers!
Also proud owner of some nice new ARSE KICKING BOOTS - No FleaBAY crap!
on a lazy day 12.001 @ 117mph with way too much wheel spin



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yeah i agree its not pleasant to watch but it should be shown so people can see what can happen.Some of the people on the roads are ridiculously stupid and the way you see them driving its an serious accident waiting to happen. What annoys me most isn't that they put their own lives at risk but its the innocent peoples lives that they destroy.



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good reminder video. shit goes wrong too fast and too easy.




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That is a real wake up call, i found the ones with little kids an babies the most disturbing, this should defiantly be shown to all new drivers more than once!!!
I guess we all have to watch our own driving and hope we don't get cleaned up by someone else.
Best we all use our cars for what they were intended for.... mooooore track days :)



    Wannabe Racer

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No "undo button" in life people.... one split second of poor judgement or stupidity could devestate not only the rest of your life, but those of others.

Keep it safe out there and remember to save it for the controlled envrioment of a proper track.
"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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give your kids a safe car and you can only hope. safe as in awd= hard to do spin wheels unless they are deliberately doing so. ABS and 4wheel discs = hopefully they can steer around the accident or stop before it.

no, no, NO! Get them an old car that's slow and noisy, Teach them to look further ahead than just in front of the bonnet, teach them to cadence brake, teach them to rely on themselves and give them the skills to drive defensively, not to rely on the car to keep them safe!

Look at suv drivers, almost without exception they are terrible, no concept of what is going on around them, or the risk they pose to themselves and others, that cocoon of safety and sound deadening allows them to forget that they are piloting two tonnes of steel. You wouldn't sky dive without checking your equipment, but I'll bet many people (even some on here, who should know better) will just jump in their car without even a glance at the tires. Only when they are halfway down the road might they notice that it "feels odd" because the left rear has gone completely flat whilst they were at the movies (for example).

Ideally give your kids and old rwd car with a tiny gutless engine, no stereo and only one seat. Boys (and some girls) WILL try and spin the wheels, slide the car, push the limits of what it can do - this is ingrained, built in, primeval maybe. When the car loses grip on a bend in the wet, kid A in the old corolla on 175's will be doing ~70km/h, kid B in the "safe" new AWD suv will be doing 120+km/h - who's going to scare themselves and learn a lesson, and who's going to find that the safest car in the world is no match for a tree?



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Couldn't agree more Squid.



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Flash backs of something I saw a year and a half ago (and still liveing with).Where a man drove though a give way sign and hit a truck, His mate in the back seat went out the window.I held his head to gether till help turned up. He died 4 days latter.

Name: Steve
Ride: 1996 RVR super Sports Gear. NOW with coilovers
Location: Cannon Hill
I'm a P.T. that does crossfit. get over it.



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that sucks heaps man!!
and i agree with squid and im also against all these people on tv saying to buy new safe cars for their kids because they don't seem to realize that not everyone can afford to buy the latest safe car for themselves let alone for their 17 year old kids.



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Flash backs of something I saw a year and a half ago (and still liveing with).Where a man drove though a give way sign and hit a truck, His mate in the back seat went out the window.I held his head to gether till help turned up. He died 4 days latter.

How old was he? What sort of car was he driving? Driver inattention?

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