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WTB: TD05 Actuator, Oil Lines, Dump pipe, Cooler pipe

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  • LocationAdelaide, SA
After all of the above. Oil lines in and out only have to be the first couple of inches from the turbo so i can modify, Dump pipe and cooler only needs to be the first inch or so from the flange on the cooler pipe just need it to modify onto my piping. Changing from TC06 to TD05-14b. Dont mind where theyre comin from as ill pay post. And cooler pipe really just need the flanges to the turbo but ill take whatever is on offer.
Cheers, James.




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Hey mate have you tried Kando Dynamics from Ebay? They have braided lines to suit your application; and the price is not too bad either.


4G63t, AWD, Widebody

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Hi, No i havent. Do you have a link for them? Or should i just look up braided hose in ebay? Also i spose i would need to look for vr4 dump and cooler pipes as thats the td05-14b came off yeah?
Cheers, James.



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An Evo 3 dump will work fine, and much more common as well as giving you better flow. Look up 16g turbo on Ebay and find Kando Dynamic as a seller.
Jon - Evo VII. Previous cars: Evo VI, Evo VIII, Legnum, E39a VR4, Cordia GSR's. Owner of Driven Motorsport - Adelaide.




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Found them! Their kit for the price is awesome!! Just need to find the cooler pipe from the turbo and a dump...

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