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knocking noise??

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hey again i have a knoking noise that is haunting me its only when the car warms up its seems to be coming from the pulley side seems to have an almost half a second interval it does speed up when you rev the engine?

Got me buggered? any other stories ..



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Could the keyway on the main pulley be shagged or on the way out??
A mate of mine had similar symptoms on his gsr... Not sure what car you have, so only a guess!
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yea just a cc gsr hope fully it lasts a few weeks till i gather all my conversion parts. Thanks



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i had the rubber on my harmonic balancer give way,a mysterious knock and vibration would come and go and it was strange sounding because it was slower than the motor was revving.



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i had the rubber on my harmonic balancer give way,a mysterious knock and vibration would come and go and it was strange sounding because it was slower than the motor was revving.

just had a similar thing happen before my harmonic balancer shat itself.

was almost like a ticking noise, would come and go then just sounded terrible when it finially went.

check to make sure your belts are running "true" on the pulleys when the engines running.




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thanks guys what a helpfull bunch Ill check it out tommorow at work and if not the conversion will start early.



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