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Hey guys,

i'm after a alternator. Which year and model cars can i get a alternator to fit onto my vr4 ?? As i need to get one TODAY in newcastle.




    Passion Fingers

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any galant se/gsr/vr4 87-92, probably a 2.0lt sonata as well



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any galant se/gsr/vr4 87-92, probably a 2.0lt sonata as well

yeah my new one was listed for a few hyundai's as well, shouldn't be hard to find somewhere who's got one or can get in that day.
I just got a 90amp one as the Aus delivered vr4's and the autos run them, but my early j-spec manual had a 75 amps stock. (I don't know what the post-face lift, j-specs run but it was irrelevant to me)
I measured the cable and referred to a few online charts and its big enough to suite 90amp over that distance to the battery.

Good luck.
99% home built for a life time warranty. Engine now needing repair under 'warranty'

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