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Datalogger Cables

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White Knight

White Knight

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True Clutz. I used 2.6, all good. Previous versions have issues with these OBD2.




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Hey mate, is than a '97 HSGR? I am pretty sure you need a newer version to support OBD2, which is v2.5 and up.

Thanks mate was on version 2.9, will have to do some more tinkering after work through the week.




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Was a while ago when I done my rvr so kinda hard to remember but...
Is there a white plug with 1 pin/ wire by the obd plug?

White Knight

White Knight

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Yeah mate there is. Its for the flash tuning side of things. You can log without it though.

White Knight

White Knight

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Just realised....
Burn377, if you are running the standard ecu it wont like you no matter what you do. At least thats my understanding and why a lot of us swapped out to later evo ecu's or did a chip tune.




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Hello. I have a JDM x3 super sport -01. I tried to datalog my car but Evoscan 2.9 just said it doesnt recognise the cable. Im using cheap ebay vag cable with that 1 and 4 pin mod. Car goes to diagnostic mode and I tried 2.7 and 2.8 Evoscan versions. Is it my computer drivers or just the cable? Can ECU be locked so I cant read anything?


Used settings ECU EFI, Mitsubishi MUTIII and DTC MUTII EFI. 

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