Welded turbo exhaust housing wastegate flapper


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welded flapper to the housing or welding the housing shut?
the most common wayt to do it is to leave the actuator on and use that to "close" the integral gate against the hole then you would tack weld the flapper against the housing then
remove the actuator and tack that against the body.


Ive seen some pics of tacking them shut to so you can die grind it off later, although it still would leak a small amount, but much less than the leaking peopl expreiance with cracked housings and wastegat springs that are too small.
But thats only if you want to be able to go back to internal gate. A lot of people playing with 16g's seem to do this.
Yeh that's what I'm after Johnny, except an image thats 16g exhaust housing specific (the turbo & wastegate exh ports are separate as you would know).

I want to weld it 'once-and-for-all' with no chance of going back :lol: .

Yeh that's what I'm after Johnny, except an image thats 16g exhaust housing specific (the turbo & wastegate exh ports are separate as you would know).

I want to weld it 'once-and-for-all' with no chance of going back :lol: .


same deal :)
cut the flapper handle off.. weld the flapper onto the housing. done!
same thing as the pic :)

if you really wanted to make it look schmick u could always cut out some 15mm sheetmetal the same shape as the integral wastegate port and weld that onto it.
then machine it all down so its flat........

then drill and tap a stud into the plate that you welded, then that means you can run a custom 3' dump pipe with 3 studs and not have to bolt it up to the whole of the rear housing.


Fully sealing it up is the only way in my opinion. You want to give the turbine every ounce of energy you can in getting it up to speed as early as possible. While it seems minor, it's the little things like this that contribute to poorer overall turbo performance than expected in some cases. You might aswell sort it properly while you have the opportunity. Exhaust housings are relatively cheap to source second hand so don't be afraid of poking a welder at it.
Excellent! this is exactly the image I was after. I wanted to see if removing the flapper altogether is a wise decision - it is B)
Fully sealing it up is the only way in my opinion. You want to give the turbine every ounce of energy you can in getting it up to speed as early as possible. While it seems minor, it's the little things like this that contribute to poorer overall turbo performance than expected in some cases. You might aswell sort it properly while you have the opportunity. Exhaust housings are relatively cheap to source second hand so don't be afraid of poking a welder at it.
Thats so true.

Another way ive seen is removing the flap and running an external behind it on the O2 housing, and porting out the wastegate hole so it can flow enough.
if you run external off the manifold insted, you are removing the restirction of uneeded flow from the entry to the exhaust housing before it exits. Although you dont need to buy a new manifold.
Its a question of how much the mitsi flange chokes just before the wastgate port compared to running external off the manifold.
I've seen that design, where a 38mm ext wastegate flange is built into the dump pipe. I'm not too much of a fan of that design tbh.
I've seen that design, where a 38mm ext wastegate flange is built into the dump pipe. I'm not too much of a fan of that design tbh.
Yeah your not actually having the benefit of removing the gasses before they enter the choke point in the exhaust housing and out the wastegate passage, compared to venting off the manifold. Only benefit then is the boost control.

I really wonder how much less back pressure there is by removing flow from the manifold on a mitsi flanged turbo, rather than through the wastegate passage, if you trying to push say 400-500hp.
You can measure exhaust pressure with a couple of spare boost gauges and some copper tube - though you'll need to weld a fitting on before and after the turbo obviously.