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Has enyone seen this on the intake pipe before???? And is this a vr4 or evo sensor on my exhaust housin??????

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oxy looks like EVO cause VR4 normally has a round plug

the intake sensor looks to be intake temp

looks like the car runs after market ecu....

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Thanks for that, just woundring if i can some how plug the oxy up or do i need to glook for a vr4 one?




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the oxy sensor could be a vr4 rs version. mine has the same wire colours just different plug.
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For wiring up 3 wire Oxy sensors....If there are two white wires, they will be for the heater element. Polarity isnt important. One is switched 12 volts and the other is earth. The blue ( or black in other types) will be the actual oxy sensor voltage to the ECU.




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A bit off topic, but is there a way to test 02 sensors without a datalogger?



    yoni lover

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its not an extra injector is it?

does it have a fuel feed line?

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yeah it is a injecter, i was told i had to upgrade turbo before i plug the fuel line up to it. and it has a hose coming of the fuel line, i think thats for the 5th injecter, has anyone seen this done before?



    Gday maaaate

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Old school mod that can work well when done correctly.. Ideally you would want 4 injectors that can do the job alone.

What is being used to control it?



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Why stuff around with a 5th injector when you can run evo 1-3, 510's (or evo 4-8 560's) and a chip to compentate (if you have an eprom (chippable) ecu). Even if you have this to buy an ecu, chip and injectors, it would probably not cost more then tring to tune the extra injector and be safer and more reliable.

I personally wouldnt bother with it.

I think a chip and injectors would be a good start if you want to run more boost or change turbo's. And if you want to get more serious later you can use the eprom ecu and injectors and buy ecmlink, and just progress the system. Or go a piggy back ecu/ full ecu ect. But this would be a much better way to start playing with the car and you can progress form there. Rather than put time and money in a limited system. And there is less chance of double buying parts, and also the parts your using are able to be easily sold when you outgrow them.

Edited by milkandoj, 14 September 2010 - 08:41 AM.

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i had an extra injector on a front cut that came from japan, was an ex rally car.




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cool thanks for the advice guys, its just ive never seen this before and was wounder if i should take it off or keep it. As this is my frst gvr4. The injector came with the car when i got it aswell.

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