Keen to see this down the strip
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THE GSR - 423KW!!!!!
Started by OFFON-4, Sep 28 2010 11:00 PM
Posted 01 June 2016 - 05:20 AM
We keen to set a date with the crew for a day at Calder or Heathcote? By end o fun year sufficient time?
Shayne, I've got the Sdl. The good thing with the new dashes are exactly what you have stated. It is colour which means you don't have to look at the actual values but instead colours will be able to warn you quickly of alarms or problems. Also shift light no longer required or even leds no longer required.
Have you looked at the logging software? Remember that it is not only the dash itself but the software behind it.
Check out the i2 software on the motec site.
Shayne, I've got the Sdl. The good thing with the new dashes are exactly what you have stated. It is colour which means you don't have to look at the actual values but instead colours will be able to warn you quickly of alarms or problems. Also shift light no longer required or even leds no longer required.
Have you looked at the logging software? Remember that it is not only the dash itself but the software behind it.
Check out the i2 software on the motec site.
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
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