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Need someone to check out a car for me!

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    has no car :(

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Hey guys,

I need a massive favour! In need of someone to go check out a car for me, the car is located in Highfields so anyone close to there and has some free time could you please pm me and I will give you more details!

not quite a gsr, not quite an evo



    Formally known as 347-dis

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highfields in toowoomba????



    has no car :(

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i have no idea, i'm from melbourne lol. it just states it's from Highfields, QLD. How many Highfields are there?
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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Man I'd help ya if I were close by but I don't even know where Highfields is?
What sorta car is it champ?



    has no car :(

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highfields in toowoomba????

looking from google maps i'm guessing thats the place! its a gsr that i want checked out :)
not quite a gsr, not quite an evo



    Formally known as 347-dis

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Send me the link

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