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aftermarket spoilers

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lol smart ass, I meant 10cm not 10mm lol :lol:

The rear wing would come under general safety requirements of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009.
Also generally speaking, all state laws will say sometihng similar to this (see pic)

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AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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  • LocationAspley Qld
+1 acting stupid.
when i was young in the 80s and had a loud low car,the cops would pull me up and try to defect so i would argue with them .Then they would get me to turn my lights on and say one head light was out,so stupid me would say now way.The cops would then tap the headlights with a stick so the filament would blow from vibration.

Moral of the story they will find anything to get you on.in the 90s when you could put pod guages outside the windscreen the cops wouldnt let you because they rekon you could hurt someone with the guages when you hit them with your car....huh? .

Also my last rant.When i got my Eterna roadworthyed fo a rego change,the workshop didnt like it because they only do "standard" cars not turbos.so they knock me back on roadworthy points including my cv boots weren't cracked but "looked old"

And lastly age has a lot to do with it.now im 40s i dont even get a second look.

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