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CC Gsr Electric Windows

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Hey everyone,

ive got a 94 gsr and my power windows sh*t themselves.

the weird thing is that each window died a day or two apart... just wondering if anyone on here has had the same problem or if anyone has any ideas on what it may be?

i replaced the switches on the drivers window which is a set of four but still nothing.

only other thing is the drivers window worked every now and then before eventually dying for good..

any help would be awesome!!

Built Aus Delivered 94 GSR. Not really enough room to list mods :)



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Might seem like the obvious, but have you checked all the wiring, fuses and plugs?? That would be my first guess.....
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Have you taken the door skins off and plugged in the control switches to try to operate the window? (does the motor try to move) also try applying some tension (by hand) to the cable, then operate the window.

Have your removed the window then winding mechanism/ assembly and inspected.. (the bottom and or top guide may be damaged).

I have a "module" under my dash that adjusts the "stop limit" when window reaches its upper limit, this is adjustable via about 5 tiny switches on the side of the module, though I am not sure if this comes with the car as standard as my windows wind up when i activate my car alarm....? Try increasing the force needed on the window motor to activate the "stop limit".

Sounds like you might be up for a new assembly...?
4G93T - 11's on Pump 98
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wiring fuses and plugs are all fine.
pulled apart the whole door to suss it out and the motor makes no noise. it seems obvious that it would be the motor but all 4 have stopped a few days apart which makes me think it may not be the motor?
this may be one for the auto elecs i think!
Built Aus Delivered 94 GSR. Not really enough room to list mods :)



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I agree in assuming its not the motor (or all 4 of them)

auto electircian for sure!
4G93T - 11's on Pump 98
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Check wiring. See if any cables have cone loose. Or even shorted out. Of the loom is fought on a sharp corner somewhere it might be gradually cuttingthrough those cables. Probs not issue but just a thought if all 4 stopes a few days apart. Try making a small loom for power to one motor with a switch. See if it works there :) or get a test light multi meter onto it :)



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i had the same problem, the rear left window switch wasn't working to go up then i switched for the working one on the opposite side. then they both stuffed up so they aren't going up but going down, so i used the front passenger switch to close the windows.




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Check the power window fusible link in the engine bay fuse box... by checking it I mean change it for another one to make sure.They can slowly deteriorate until they dont work no more.
Here, I did this pic during a power window conversion to show you which wire provides power to the power window motors.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Power Window Fusible Link.jpg

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cheers guys ill check the power window fusible link tonight (the easy option) and then if i have no luck i guess ill try something different.
Built Aus Delivered 94 GSR. Not really enough room to list mods :)

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