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Ol' girls up for sale...

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Hi guys,
Well it has finally come to this...
I have to sell her as I no longer have a purpose for her (just bought a prado and work out bush).
She has 81,000 km on the clock and runs like a dream and has light mods that aim to make her handle.
She is registered and located in the Northern Territory with rego until January 2011.

I am looking at $36,000 for her.

########### Want a no BS sale #########


Autronic SM4 Evo IX plug and Play with Antilag and Rotational Idle,

Cosworth 272 Cams and valve springs,

Power Enterprise 700cc Injectors,

MR Bov,

OS Giken Twin Plate Clutch,

Braided Clutch Line,

Trust PEII exhaust,

Whiteline Front 26mm Swaybar,

Whiteline Rear 24mm Adjustable Swaybar,

Whiteline Roll Centre Kit,

Performance Pack Bilstien Shocks (Factory Optioned from new),

I am woking out bush so best thing is to contact my partner, Duey, on 0488996970 with any questions.

Attached Thumbnails

  • EvoIX003.jpg
  • EvoIX006.jpg
  • EvoIX010.jpg



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Bumpin it up :rolleyes:

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