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Townsville T4G, Ingham car show 28th & 29th of May

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    Electronic guru

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Hey guys just looking to see who is keen for heading up to the Ingham car show this year, it's on the last weekend in May. For all the details check here
I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing. There's too many self indulgent weeners in this city with too much bloody money. Now, if I was driving a 1992 Mitsubishi Vr4 Galant? You would not be a self indulgent weener sir. You'd be a connoisseur. Precisely, Champagne would fall from the heavens, Doors would open, Velvet ropes would part.



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Naa sorry would love too but im workin at this stage!! :(



    Electronic guru

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Bump who's keen on this :lol:
I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing. There's too many self indulgent weeners in this city with too much bloody money. Now, if I was driving a 1992 Mitsubishi Vr4 Galant? You would not be a self indulgent weener sir. You'd be a connoisseur. Precisely, Champagne would fall from the heavens, Doors would open, Velvet ropes would part.



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you boys are slack lol... trust me id love to go josh but im more than likely workin and those phuk heads cant get me a set of rims for my car!! :twisted: :evil:



    Electronic guru

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Had a great time at this to bad for you slackers that missed out :lol:
I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing. There's too many self indulgent weeners in this city with too much bloody money. Now, if I was driving a 1992 Mitsubishi Vr4 Galant? You would not be a self indulgent weener sir. You'd be a connoisseur. Precisely, Champagne would fall from the heavens, Doors would open, Velvet ropes would part.

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